Another Trash Bubble Update

Since the first of the year, there has been an increase in the Trash Bubbles received at the Studio. A few of them will be sprinkled throughout this post. You can find the others here: While you’re there, join us, won’t you?

From Michael Orr

New Bubbles continue to come out of the studio, as well.

The deadline for the call for Trash Bubbles as originally set forth here: has been extended indefinitely. If you have a Bubble brewing, please send it on. We need all the pieces we can assemble for the mural of your creations that is part of the proposed exhibit.

In addition, I have been researching and applying to receive grants to further the project, Trash Bubbles: A Poetic Exploration of Trash, as it morphed from a one and done exhibit in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania to a traveling exhibit. The broader scope allows for greater participation and therefore greater impact.

From Alicia Starr

Creative Capital was the first chance I took, hoping that the idea would be edgy enough and interesting enough to garner support on a grand scale, knowing that the project would benefit from artist services as well as the funding. We’ll find out in June if the project will advance. Keep your fingers crossed!

Just this last week, I applied for a Black Earth Institute fellowship. I feel strongly that the fellowship, which lasts three years, will allow me to work alongside other like-minded artists to affect change on several levels while providing peer support and critique for the project.

From Catherine M. Bennett

Eager to get to the nitty-gritty of putting all of our samples to work for the cause, I am entertaining any funding that suits the project. Should you have any ideas along those lines, please feel free to contact me with the pertinent information. You can do this in the comment section, or via the link at the beginning of this post.

Happy Trash to you, until we meet again!



Happy New Year! A Trash Bubble Update

Hello! Happy New Year!

Long time, no write. I know. But you know what? For once, I feel no guilt.

Time well spent, in my estimation. I have been practicing self-care, giving myself the much needed time to mull things over, plan out my course and readjust to where I am in my life and my art.

Today, I am here to share with you a little bit of what’s been going on and where I intend to take things in 2018. Hopefully, you’ll join me on my journey. At the very least, I hope you might take away a little inspiration for your own journey.

Last year was another big one for me, in that I have continued to step outside my comfort zone, stretching myself and my art. I took more chances. I experimented more with marketing and sales of my art. That meant doing three art/craft shows (up from one the previous year) and applying for a local Awesome Foundation grant.

It’s true that the shows didn’t yield as much income as I would have liked. BUT! I learned from each one. In addition, I spent time attending shows (market research) trying to find ones that were a good fit for my art and found a few to experiment with this year. It was all part of the learning curve for me.

That grant I applied for? It was for my Trash Bubbles! And guess what?!?


Awesome Pittsburgh honored me with their 69th award! Check it out here:

That brings me to the request that you join me…

In August, I issued a call for Trash Bubbles.

Sadly, I have only received a few. By few, I mean less than a dozen. Trying to put together an exhibit to include the Trash Bubbles of other artists alongside those I’ve made falls a bit short when participation is low. I know they cost about $3 each to mail and that might be an issue for some of you. Understandable. Others of you may have had good intentions, but forgot, got sidetracked by life, etc. That’s cool, too.

You still have time to participate! After all, I am still seeking a venue for the exhibit. It may be that it happens on a smaller scale this year. That’s okay. Just know that I am still looking for your own interpretation of Trash Bubbles. I will be taking submissions thru March 1, 2018.

Even if you are merely curious, please check out the link above for the details. Who knows? Maybe you’ll be inspired.

In any event, I wish you all a healthy and productive 2018!

Happy Trash to you, until we meet again!










Monday Morning Mail Art Call: Trash Bubbles: A Poetic Exploration of Trash

There were rumors… people were talking… it was whispered in corners….

Now, it’s official!

Trash Bubbles: A Poetic Exploration of Trash is an exhibit designed to bring about an awareness of trash as art.

Intended to coincide with Earth Day 2018, it is to be an exhibit of my own Trash Bubble creations alongside those created by other artists and mail artists around the globe. In addition, there will be public workshops culminating in a mass mailing of commemorative Trash Bubbles.

The purpose is to bring about an awareness of trash as art, as poetry. These pieces shock and awe on a fun and engaging level. I hope to spark conversation and encourage participation. A venue is currently being sought in the Pittsburgh area, details to follow.

In the meantime, I’d like all of you who said, “I might like to try my hand at creating one of those Trash Bubble thingies!” to get the ball rolling.

Here’s what I need from you:

  • Make a Trash Bubble using ANY SIZE of clear plastic consumer packaging. Note: I have found that pieces smaller than 4x6x2 usually require an envelope, so they don’t get lost. A piece measuring about 4x6x2 can easily be mailed without an envelope and currently costs less than $3 to post within the continental US.
  • Fill it with trashy bits. Let the bits speak to the viewer, telling whatever story you wish. Think Trash Poetry. If necessary, add words to guide the observer.
  • Seal it with tapes, stitching, staples or other fasteners, making certain that your piece will survive the post.
  • Decorate the edges if you wish, but leave room on the back to address it to:

Trash Bubbles: A Poetic Exploration of Trash

The Studio at Piney Creek Acres

107 Marigold Lane

New Brighton, PA 15066 USA

  • Be sure to include your name, email and mailing address
  • Send your Trash Bubble along for inclusion by March 1, 2018
  • Join the Facebook group: Trash Bubbles: a Poetic Exploration of Trash to see the contributions of artists as they arrive and to receive updates concerning the exhibit.

This is going to be a grand adventure! I am eager to see your interpretation of the theme.

Happy Trash to you, until we meet again!






Monday Morning Mail Art Call: Guess Who’s Turning 50?

Turning 50 is a BIG DEAL!

It requires living 5 decades.

That’s half a century!

So, yeah, turning fifty is a BIG DEAL.

We’ve all heard the horror stories of the Fear of Fifty… but I refuse to buy into them.

Because I believe age IS just a number and birthdays should ALWAYS be celebrated, I am determined to own this one with as much JOY and CREATIVITY as I can possibly muster.

The joy of cake and ice cream when you’re six and wearing polka dots!

That’s where YOU come in…

LYNN TURNS 50! Mail Art Call

I am shamelessly and joyfully requesting that you help me celebrate by sending birthday greetings my way in time for the big day.

What to send: A handmade postcard (4×6 inches) to celebrate my 50th Birthday. There is no restriction as to medium, or technique, but I hope you might be inspired by some of my favorite things: color, polka dots, Seth Apter, rust, nature, Maxfield Parrish, surrealism, dada, Marcel Duchamp, collage, Kurt Schwitters, fiber art, books, mixed-media, found objects, assemblages, Joseph Cornell, music, pop art, Andy Warhol, vintage bits, flea market finds, mail art, Ray Johnson, stamps and vintage postage, dark chocolate, coffee, poetry, boho, industrial, shabby chic, trashpo, ephemera, hand lettering, the 1970’s, intuitive art. Just to name a few! 😀

No jury, no returns.

Deadline: June 10, 2017

Send to: Lynn Radford – The Studio at Piney Creek Acres                                              107 Marigold Lane – New Brighton, PA 15066 USA

Note: All pieces received will be featured in a future blog post commemorating the occasion. They may also be documented via Instagram here:

My sincere thanks, in advance, for helping me to celebrate this monumental birthday!

Happy Trash to you, until we meet again!






Life’s Little Bits: Happy Cyber Week!

Happy Cyber Week!

This post replaces the Monday Morning Mail Art Call.

But WAIT! Don’t be disappointed!

Use coupon code: FREESHIP in my Etsy ( ) to receive FREE SHIPPING on any order of $30 or more, now thru November 30th!

What’s in my shop?

Cigar Band Collage Coasters are a great gift for him! Buy one or mix and match a set of four! They’re only $15 each! They are sealed with three coats of cold wax making them durable for cold drinks like his favorite whiskey or scotch!


Take a peek and save on shipping! Don’t see what you want? I create custom orders! Does he have a cigar band collection, some special bands you’d like me to use? Same price! Contact me!

Our regularly scheduled programming will return next week….

Happy Trash to you, until we meet again!


My Wild and Crazy World: Getting Ready for Black Mountain School


Happy Saturday Morning!

I’m popping in with an announcement… This past week got crazy, what with all of the preparations for my upcoming trip to BMS (Black Mountain School.) I don’t anticipate the coming week will be any better, as I leave this coming Friday.

That said, Friday Dada posts are on hold until further notice. The next several weeks’ Monday Morning Mail Art Call (MMMAC) posts have been scheduled, so there’s no interruption there. I will do my best to resume the Tuesday Trash Bubble posts after having skipped this week, hoping to build Trash Bubbles at BMS and share them with you all.

In addition, I will be posting from BMS about all manner of things, including my experiences as I go. I will also be posting shorter blurbs and pictures on my facebook artist page: If you are friends with me on facebook, there will be status updates, too.

Just this week, I launched my Patreon artist page and will also be posting about BMS there. I will share more about my Patreon at a later date.

Each of these venues will receive different posts, so you might want to check ’em all so as not to miss any of the BMS excitement!

Finally, a BIG THANK YOU!!! to everyone who helped to make this trip to BMS a reality for me! To those of you who shared my Go Fund Me, ( ) contributed to it, and those who offered words of encouragement and support… I truly could not have done it without you. You are ROCK STARS to me! Thank you all, from the bottom of my heart, for believing in me!


Studio Chaos!

Seth Apter ( has challenged us to share our studio work tables in all their messy glory in his collaborative effort, Studio Table Reveal!

Deciding to take the plunge, I knew I’d be in good company. Pop on over to see in excess of eighty different artist work tables in various stages of artistic goodness! It just goes to show that creativity is a messy subject… you have to get in and get dirty!

My work table (an old farm table) rarely exposes a work space larger than eighteen inches square. Arty clutter surrounds me despite my attempt to follow the rule, “A place for everything and everything in its place.”

Studio Work Table in the Raw

Today, you can see several projects in various stages of completion, along with the supplies I’m using, scattered about the work surface.

In addition, I have a U-shaped work table that tends to accumulate art supplies, as well as serve as my sewing station.

Horseshoe Work Table in the Raw

Note the random drawers hanging open to the left of the sewing machine and the stack of supplies on top of the stool below… chaos suspended in time.

This challenge got me thinking about cleaning… I mean, when was the last time I thoroughly cleaned the place? But… I’m simply too busy creating!

Happy Trash to you, until we meet again!